Praat van diep in die sloot.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Time for Evictions

I read with interest an article by a brother, Vuyo Mvoko, in Business Day: Vuyo is typical of the kind of people we have to deal with these days, the so-called Black Elite (including middle class). He aspires to a white's life: "Twelve years into democracy, Mrs N, like her probable leader Gibson, is still not accustomed to black people like Milos, who have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps against all odds and now want to live the life that used to be reserved for whites." Vuyo has described Milos who apparently wants to live the life designed by whites, for whites. I kind of assume Vuyo also wants to. Its unnatural - Africans never lived that way. Just look north of us to see that. But I agree it must be fun, for a while, as a novelty. Personally I would have said "... accustomed to black people like Milos, who have downgraded themselves and sold their African souls, and now want to live the life that used to be reserved for whites.". Then he says "The cynic, or racist, in me has never thought that my white compatriots would ever appreciate what democracy saved them from." What did democracy save them from? If Vuyo is insinuating that blacks did whites a favour, thats a bit short sighted. We work for ourselves - at least I hope we do. We didn't drive the whites into the sea because we want to use them, no other reason, and we are using them. Whites never did us any favours, and I hope we never do them any. If we don't like them anymore, as Vuyo doesn't, its time to get rid of them. Its our option. Personally, I'd just as well get rid of them. Maybe loot all their houses and things, burn them down, have a massive party (a party which could maybe last 3 months), then get a mud hut somewhere, a few cows, a few wives, recover from the hangover, and live the life I should be living. And be proud of it. I'll be proud of my king, proud of being a fighting man in an army, proud of our lands, and proud of our achievements, which will then include shaking off the shackles of colonialism once and for all! Stop all this racist talk. Stop being racist fullstop. Its what we're supposed to hate about whites, remember? There's no need to be jealous and envious of whites - they can have their stress diseases, modern inconveniences, traffic jams and high pressure lives. Good luck to them. Stop confusing ourselves, we are not white, we are not Americans, we are Africans through and through, and nothing else.


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