Praat van diep in die sloot.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Shebeen Talk

We were putting quarts away in the shebeen on Saturday like there was no tomorrow. Unfortunately for me, tomorrow did come, and I wished it hadn't. Anyway, the talk always goes to JZ and the furore around this so-called rape. Most of us can not see the problem. The woman, after all, was under his roof, just as she might have been in his Kraal in KZN. Normally she would have been poor, and after having being affectionately blessed by JZ, she would have accepted a position as another wife. After all, JZ can afford as many wives as he wants. Sure, the actual act sounds like it was a bit cold, a bit fast, a bit shallow, but what do you expect from such a great man? He doesn't have time to mess around with her, especially when you have as many wives as he does. But just because she is of independent means, she feels she can take on the powerful JZ. I really think she made a big mistake, and will regret it, but the young are often stupid. JZ will make a great chief, but maybe he needs to be a bit more ruthless with his enemies, like Shaka, for real greatness. Mugabe is a very good example - he will go down as one of the truly great African leaders. We Africans definitely view these things from a different cultural perspective, and the world, and especially us, needs to accept that - only then can we accept, appreciate and be proud of ourselves for what we are.


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