Praat van diep in die sloot.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'd rather be African than...

I have to admit that there are a lot worse things than being an African. Although we try to follow world trends, normally we provide loop holes for ourselves, typically due to the fact that we screw things up so badly. For example, we have the very latest motoring law enforcement equipment, yet any cop that stops you can be simply bribed with a twenty. If you get a debt judgement against yourself, about R2000 buys you a new ID. If you're unlucky and get into court for something bad, its just so easy for the docket to go missing, and therefore the case dismissed. Our ex-deputy president is showing the way for us during his first criminal trial - his lawyer demands the judge recuse himself due to a previous judgement involving him. Then the 2nd in command judge also can't do the case because his sister has had one of the deputy pres's babies (a "love child", but one wonders how much love was actually involved - The next judge is an old friend, therefore also can't do the job. Finally, the unthinkable, a white judge. How on earth will he understand the concept of rape?


  • I must confess that blogging is a lonely place for black South Africans as I have encountered very few since I took up blogging.I however must commend you for your efforts thus far.
    I however feel you are posing more questions than you are answering which I think would be a bit more helpful.
    I will be taking up some of the issues that you have raised on your blog.
    Hoping that I will be hearing a lot from you.

    By Blogger Timbuktu Chronicles, at 5:23 AM  

  • Thanks for the return vsit and hope you`ll make it a regular gesture.
    I must however express my disappointment that you are not updating your blog.
    I also wish you could elaborate further,on your blog,onthe issues that you raised...getting rid of the multinationals...african democracy along the old african lines of governance.
    I will also take up some of these in the future postings on my blog.

    By Blogger Timbuktu Chronicles, at 9:25 AM  

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