Praat van diep in die sloot.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Housing Problem

So now, me and 1000 of my fellow beings, are wondering around in a quandary, with no shack to live in. The problem is that our "leaders" have made some kind of deal or something with the police and government. However, we are now completely homeless, and no doubt will have to try to move to another squatter camp. We will all also have to collect together R2000 of shack materials to build new shacks. This is a very depressing thought, since it took me about 6 months to build the last shack. This whole episode has been fairly disruptive, and one wonders if it couldn't have been done more creatively. For example, our leaders and the police could have come to us and said, please remove your shacks to this place and live there, and there would have been no objection from me. Others who do object can then be forcibly removed, but at least they are moved with their shack materials, and probably only lose about one day in the process. Best of all, of course, is to give everyone a piece of land somewhere where they can put up a shack, a house, or whatever and live in peace for ever more. But that would be far too caring a thing to do for our government to even comtemplate...


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