Praat van diep in die sloot.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

SA Corruption Problem Revealed

Finally we have found out why corruption is such a problem in SA:

It turns out that all this time the ANC didn't know what corruption was. And apparently they still don't. It must be helluva confusing being in government.

Take this article. The M&G revealed corruption in the article headline, but omitted to actually use the word elsewhere in the story. So the ANC thought they must have been mistaken. They couldn't detect any corruption in the story at all. In fact, the story was about something else entirely. It was about a minister demanding a better cut in an empowerment deal with Gold Fields.

My suggestion to the government: Redefine corruption. The problem here is that the M&G thinks corruption is something different to what you think it is. It should be easy enough to announce that M&G and the world had it wrong all the time, and the ANC had it right. Corruption is actually something entirely different. Its when some woman is sent to seduce you so she can announce it to the press afterwards and you lose your job. Vavi is corrupt. Us in government are clean...